How to Get Featured by Youtube and Massively Increase Your Views

Have you ever wondered how to get your videos featured by Youtube? And if you don’t know what I mean by “Featured”, I’m referring to where they place your video in key areas such as your subscribers “Homepage”, “Suggested Videos”, related videos, and other visible places.

Many people wonder the same thing, but WHY? Well, it’s because this extra exposure and visibility can massively increase the number of views you get. More views, equals more subscribers, and MORE actions.

Here’s the thing – Like Google, Facebook and other platforms, most people thing there is some secret, mystical sauce that you need to apply for this to happen. Well, there isn’t. In fact, Youtube actually TELL you exactly what is required in order to get featured by them.

See this message below (inside my Youtube analytics)

As you can see, they state that you can increase your chance of being featured if you “increase your click-through rate and your video watch time”.

Sounds easy, eh? Well, actually it is. So here’s just a few ways to improve those both of those statistics.

Click-Through Rate

When someone enters a keyword query into the Youtube search field, Youtube will display a number of “what they feel are the best” results.

Those results that get the most “clicks” are the ones Youtube deem as being the most relevant to the type of query the “surfer” entered.

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, the TWO ways in which you increase CTR (click-through rate) is by creating an intriguing, relevant, and to-the-point title for your video.

And, by uploading an eye-catching, interesting and intriguing video thumbnail to your video listing.

It’s BOTH of these attributes that will get MORE people to click through to watch your video, and essentially increase your click-through rate.

Watch Time

Watch time is another ranking factor, and something they 100% look at when deciding WHERE to place you within their platform.

It makes sense that the longer people watch your video for, the more relevant it is to their query, and the more interesting it is.

So, here’s some ways in which you can increase the watch time of your videos.

  1. Obviously, here’s the obvious one. Create good content, and an interesting video that people would actually enjoy watching and get some benefit from. If your video is boring, uninformative and off topic – It’s going to tank and people will click away to the next video quickly.
  2. Start your video with a “HOOK”. What do I mean by “Hook”? Well, as soon as your video starts, during the first 5-10 seconds TELL them exactly what they are going to learn / discover if they watch your video. It re-enforced the title and the reason they clicked through to watch your video. It gives them “re-assurance” that they have come to the right place. Tell them WHY they should watch until the end – ie – If you watch this video right to the end, you’re going to discover my #1 XXXXX for doing XXXX. Then cut away to a short “intro” clip (great for branding) and then lead straight into your content. Whatever that may be.
  3. Mix up your interaction, add “quirky” pattern interrupts and keep them engaged. At this stage you need to keep their interest so be mindful every 20 seconds that you’re delivering valuable content in one way or another (when editing your video). If you’re sharing your screen with them, then cut away every so often and speak to them “face to camera”. Use a little bit of humor as and when appropriate, graphics, animation and anything else you can to keep your video engaging to prevent them from clicking off your video. The more of your video they watch, the higher Youtube will rank it, and the more likely you will get featured within KEY areas of Youtube.

So there you have it. A few actionable tips to help you get FEATURED by Youtube.

Feel free to drop a comment below – I’d LOVE to hear from you 🙂

To your success!

Andy Black

How to Get More Views for Your Youtube Videos

It’s no secret that Youtube provides one of the largest audiences in the world, and publishing videos on Youtube can get you a LOT of exposure, and traffic to your own websites and offers.

However, like most things – It’s a numbers game.

The more views you get, the more exposure, clicks and sales you will get. That’s just a fact.

I recorded a short video for you that will show you some effective and easy ways in which you can instantly increase the number of views that you get to ALL of your past and future videos.

You can watch that video here…

How to get more views to your Youtube videos

I hope you got something from the video and that it gave you a little food for thought.

More blog posts coming soon, and of course, feel free to drop a comment below 🙂

10 Sites You Can Promote Your Content on and BOOST Your SEO at the Same Time

Hey, Andy here! I felt like sitting down and writing a blog post today, so thought I’d take this opportunity to share with you “10 great sites” that you can use to promote your content on, and also BOOST your SEO.

These sites are modern, have a thriving community and can drive a LOT of visitors to your sites and “offers”… as well as boost your Google / Youtube rankings with some powerful, and active backlinks.

Ok, so what are these sites?

I have listed these below and they are all clickable – Go and check each one out – Follow their community guidlines – and ENJOY! 🙂

They’re all good for driving traffic but if you have a particular blog post, video, or site that you would like to rank higher in Google, then spend the time to add them to these sites properly. Add unique content to each submission. That’ll send some great authority, ranking signals to Google!

Remember – Once you have created an account on each of these sites, it’s going to be far quicker for you to publish content and submit links to them in the future.

If you know of any others that you’d like to share, feel free to drop them in a comment below.

Have fun!

Andy Black

Common Mistakes People Make When Selling to Their Prospects

So, you have found the perfect prospects and have managed to arrange an appointment to ‘pitch your product or service to them.

Great! You’re nearly there. Or, are you?

The truth is, many people fall at the last hurdle of the selling process. Finding potential clients is one thing, but closing the sale or ‘doing the deal’ is often the hardest part.

No matter how good your product or service is, if you don’t portray YOURSELF the right way, or address their needs in the right way, there’s a good chance your prospect will ‘clam up’ and your chances of closing a sale will be slim.

So, What Can Be Done About it?

In this blog post I am going to share with you some common mistakes that a “rookie” salesman can make. Let’s get to it!

  1. Let your prospect TALK. The worst thing you can do is go into your meeting and bombard them with ‘sales talk’, trying to push your product or service onto them. It’s important that you get them to engage with you, by asking them questions. You need to open up a line of communication with them and NOT do all the talking yourself. It’s unlikely that you would be answering any of their OBJECTIONS if you’re not giving them the opportunity to speak. Build rapport with them, let them talk, and then identify any objections so that you can work towards doing business with them.
  2. Don’t be fake. Your prospect will see through ‘fluff talk’ and think you’re just trying to grease them up for the sale. Be sincere, be open, be truthful, and just be YOURSELF. I’ve lost count of how many times over the years I have experienced a sales person being over friendly, and talking about pointless stories – It just comes across as forced and leaves you waiting for the pitch (with your defenses up, ready!). Don’t be that person.
  3. Don’t focus on YOUR company. Focus on theirs. When meeting with a client their time is precious and you only have a short window of opportunity to do business with them. They really aren’t interested in all the details of YOUR business. Instead, spend the time you have finding out more about their business, and the problems they might face. Then you’ll be better equipped to answer questions, and position your product or service to be the ‘perfect’ solution for them. It also shows that you’re really showing an interest in their business, and wanting to help them, rather than just pimping for a quick sale.
  4. Take Risks. If you feel like your prospect isn’t on the same page as you, or might not be understanding how your product or service can help them – ASK THEM, and don’t be afraid to do so. Say something like “I sense that you might not be fully understanding how this might help you, is that right?”. Just keep paying attention to how they’re responding to you, and if you feel like you’re losing them along the way, stop and ask them if there is something they’re not understanding.
  5. Identify ALL of their objections. Before any prospect will agree to a deal, they will always need all of their objections ‘quashing’. It’s down to you to identify these objections. Salesmen are aware of the dreaded “I’ll think about it” response from a potential client. When they respond in this way, it isn’t because they want to think about it – It’s because they have objections that haven’t been dealt with, and it’s preventing them from doing a deal with you. Identify their objections, deal with those objections, and then get the deal done.

I’d LOVE to hear your OWN tips or advice regarding the best way to deal with prospects, and ‘closing deals’ with them. Feel free to comment below and share your expertise and advice with us.

P.s – If you haven’t checked out the Site Speed Profits software and training yet, then go and check it out HERE whilst the price is still super low. It will help you obtain WARM prospects that will be easier to do business with, and it’s clever how it work. Worth taking a look.

How to Get FREE Stuff, and Great Discounts – Ethically

Well, it is a brand-new exciting year, so I thought I’d grab a coffee, sit down at my machine, and share a simple strategy with you.

One that can result in FREE stuff, and discounts. We all like free, right?

In a nutshell – this strategy is based around recording ‘quick’ video reviews for businesses. However, PLEASE NOTE that it’s vital that these reviews are only for businesses and services you have used yourself, and are HAPPY with. This makes is a clean, and ethical strategy.

(For this example – Let’s say there is a local restaurant that you have frequented once or twice and really enjoy their food, and ambience – And would LOVE to get some free meals from them)

So, there are TWO parts to this strategy.

Let’s call this first part – PART A.

With Part A you would grab your mobile phone, or camera and record a short 1-2 minute ‘face to camera’ review video about this restaurants food and services.

This can be done in one take, and doesn’t need to be fancy, or edited down. It just needs to be REAL, from a real person, and come across as sincere. As it should be!

You would then upload it to Youtube, and set the video as ‘Unlisted’. Do not publish it (yet).

You would then get the email address of the restaurant, and email this review video to the owner, and include a message similar to below.

You could also find their Facebook Page too and send the message to their Facebook Message Inbox…

To the restaurant owner,

I was in your restaurant the other night and thought the food and service was exceptional. In fact, I just recorded this review video for you. Feel free to use it how you like…


When I searched for reviews in Google for your restaurant, I noticed that you didn’t have any video reviews showing at all on the first page. Videos stand out really well in the Google search results, and they attract attention.

I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a little exchange with me?!

If you allow my partner and I to visit your restaurant for a free starter, main course, and a couple of free drinks each, I’d get my review video to appear on the first page of Google for you (permanently).

So, when anyone searches for [restaurant name] reviews, my glowing review video will appear right in front of them.

I appreciate that ‘most’ good restaurants can still receive occasional ‘bad’ reviews which can often also appear on Google for all to see (you can’t please everyone, and it’s frustrating). As videos stand out like a ‘sore’ thumb, this video would draw attention away from any negative reviews, if there were any.

Anyway, if you could reply and let me know either way. I’d be happy to do the work. If not, then no worries at all, the video is still yours to use how you wish.

Very best regards


A Fan of Your Restaurant

The message above does three things.

First, it strokes their ego. You’re telling them how amazing their restaurant is. This helps create a rapport with them.

Secondly, you’re giving them a gift. You’ve done something for them, and it’s natural human behavior to return ‘favors’.

Thirdly, you’ve given them a viable proposition by offering them an exchange of services – and also highlighted how valuable YOUR service is.

Exchanging services is also known as a ‘Hook-Up’. Hook-Ups are great as it costs you BOTH less. In this case the food and drinks they would be giving you for free will cost them WAYYY less than the retail price you would pay at their restaurant. On the flip side, what you’d be giving them costs nothing… just a few minutes of your time.

Sound Good?

Ok, now let’s go to PART B

If you receive a reply and the response is a positive one, you move to PART B, which is fulfilling YOUR side of the deal.

This would be optimizing your Youtube video listing so that the video ranks for their restaurant name + review, and then setting the video to PUBLIC so that it indexes in Google and ranks for that keyword.

You might also want to add a custom thumbnail to make it more attractive to the visitor. Create some curiosity – or make it clear that it is a review.

Get in touch with the owner / manager again and ask them to search for the keyword themselves in Google.

They will see your review video on the first page.

All you need to do now is arrange when you and your ‘Plus 1’ can go to the restaurant for your free meal and drink.

Deal done!

Before I sign off for the day, I wanted to point a couple more things out.

Firstly, this can be done with near enough any kind of business. Barbers, take-aways, restaurants, tyre suppliers, mechanic workshops, gyms. Literally anywhere. It doesn’t always have to be FREE… it could be a GOOD discount instead… especially if the item or service you are wanting is expensive.

Secondly, you can use this as POWERED UP lead gen. Once you do a deal like this you’re far more likely to secure more work, or at least get a response from them. How about a new website, or more videos ranked in Google? But maybe next time for different local keywords that can bring them more business.

Ok, time to sign off! Hope you enjoyed this post, and feel free to leave a comment below 🙂

Jumping on Opportunities When they Present Themselves

So, today I wanted to write about something “pretty interesting” that has happened to me recently.  The whole point of this post is to emphasize HOW important it is to jump on opportunities when they present themselves.  Believe me, opportunities will present themselves to you often.  You may just not see the signs.

Anyhow, about 4 months or so ago I noticed that I was starting to get quite a lot of web traffic to one of my software sites.  It’s a site that I setup back in October 2014 to sell a software product.  Since then I have done very well with that particular product however, this post isn’t really about that.

The traffic to this site was pouring in daily and I couldn’t understand WHO these people were.  There was no way that this number of people will be searching in Google and the other search engines for my software.  As my software is very niche and not mass market.

One day I stopped what I was doing to investigate.  What I found was rather interesting.  A small-time game developer had decided to use the exact SAME name for a new game of his as my software.  His game had started to go viral on Youtube and social networks and soon lots of people turned to Google to search for this game.

Of course, with me buying the domain name back in 2014 it was solidly ranked in Google for the name of my software (and this game).

This means when anyone searched for information about this game my site was near the top on page 1.  Boom! Instant traffic.

So, I checked my sites analytics (visitor stats) to find that a few hundred thousand visitors had passed through my site.  I never made any money from these because my site wasn’t “monetized” for it.  I have nothing on my site that was remotely to do with this game.

Essentially, I was LOSING lots of money.

So, I quickly looked at ways I could turn these website visitors onto money.  The were a few options but the simplest method was “ads”.

I decide to quickly re-purpose the site by creating a few content pages, added some relevant Youtube videos and written some content for each page.

I also added all the required legal pages to the footer so that I was safely within the ad networks guidelines.

After setting that up it was around 11pm at night.  I was tired but thought I’d place the ads on the pages and see what happens.  After about 2 minutes I refreshed my “stats” in the ad network.  It shown $0.00.  I thought, ok… maybe people don’t click ads anymore.  I waited another few minutes.  When I clicked again it shown around £5.00.  I was taken back.  I refreshed the stats again 12 minutes after placing my ads and it shown over £12.

I knew I was onto a winner.

This is nearly a month ago and since then I’ve made nearly £8,000 ($12,000) from those ads and every day brings in a few hundred pounds.

This is automated money from FREE, organic traffic.  I do not have to do anything else to earn this money and it is extra to my usual income.

The reason for this post is… seize the moment.  If any opportunity arises within your business then jump on it.  Don’t hang around as you never know when that door will close.  I wasted over 3 months of traffic and after working out that number in terms of “income”… damn… I don’t even want to post it.  It’s painful.

Keep your eyes peeled… as sometimes in life good things can happen.  If you blink, you’ll miss it.



Mapping Out a Productive Day

Today I wanted to talk about “Procrastination” and having your days sucked up by sites such as Youtube and Facebook.

If you are an internet marketer (or trying to be one) then you’ll probably know exactly what I’m talking about.  Sometimes it is hard to stay laser focused and it’s easy to change browser tabs and waste time on your favorite sites such as Facebook or Youtube.  Hell, you might even turn on your game console or watch TV.

Here’s what you need to do.  STOP!

You’re never going to build a business or reach any level of success by p#ssing away your time in that manner.  You need to work on tasks that are productive.  Period.  Tasks that are going to get your a step closer to your goals.

This is what I do.

At the end of every day I create a short list of tasks to do on the following day.  Simple tasks that I can work through one by one.  I don’t just write down work related tasks, I also write down other things that I would LIKE to do that day too, and for those I also add a time.

task list imageLet’s say I want to take my dog out for a nice walk along the woods (local to me).  Being my own boss this is something like to do.  So, I add that to my daily list and note a time next to it.

The list doesn’t need to be huge.  But it needs to have enough tasks on it that if completed by the end of the day, will give you a sense of achievement.

Here’s an example from just a week or so ago.  I had a load of tasks that I wanted to get done on this specific day.  I broke these tasks down into their simplest form and created a small list.  I also wanted to go to the gym… and also meet up with a friend for an hour that day for a late lunch.  Quite a tall order for one day right?

I added those to my list with the times that I needed to leave my house (where I work from).  What this done was give me a clear direction for that day.  It removed any clutter and gave me focus.  I made sure I had no distractions open (Facebook etc) and I worked through the tasks one by one.  As I completed each one I ticked it off my list.  When it was time to leave for the gym, or to meet up with my fiend I stopped what I was doing and left.  When I returned I got straight on with my tasks, sticking to my list rigidly.

This is how you STAY productive and get stuff done.

By the end of the day not only did I manage to fit in everything that I WANTED to do, I also completed a list of tasks that got me closer to my goals.

Remember, you can make more money but you can’t make more time.  Use your time wisely, you only have so much of it.  If you’re going to work on something then WORK on it 100%.

Remove all distractions during your WORK (Fun!) time and structure your day.  It doesn’t matter if you do not complete ALL your tasks.  At least you will have been productive and done enough of the “Right” tasks to move yourself and your business forwards.

The words you need to remember here are Focus, Structure and Discipline.  If you follow this routine every day you will get a TON done and you’ll make real leaps and bounds with your business (and life).

Stay productive!