In this blog post I am going to cover the different ways in which you can create articles for your blogs and websites.
When writing articles there are FAST, EASY ways. There are 100% automated ways. And there are slower, manual ways.
Each type of content creation has their advantages and disadvantages.
The different methods that I will be referencing in this blog post are…
- Writing an article from scratch.
- Rewriting an existing article one sentence at a time..
- Creating an article using existing sentences and snippets of content from various sources, around the web.
- Article spinning.
- Pure content curation and quick content curation .
Ok, Let’s Dive Right Into it
#1: Writing an article from scratch
This is for pure writers. Those people that can sit down and crank out a quality article on a specific subject or topic. Not everyone is capable of doing this due to writers block, a lack of creative flare, or even a lack of writing ability – Grammar, etc.
Writing an article from scratch usually requires some degree of topical research prior to writing, and it can be a timely process to complete.
However, if you’re a good article writer this will usually result in the highest quality content (purely unique in idea, concept and structure), good visitor engagement, and better rankings.
Conclusion: Need some natural talent, takes the most time, but potentially the best results.
#2: Rewriting an existing article one sentence at a time
This is a GREAT concept that I devised and actually created some software for back in 2007-2008.
Many people struggle to research a topic, read existing articles and then sit down and write a brand new (100% unique article in the eyes of Google) based on the information they have digested.
So, by taking a quality ‘existing’ article – Or merging 2-3 quality, relevant articles together – and then rewriting that content one sentence at a time, breaks down the entire writing process and makes it much easier.
Instead of digesting an entire article, understanding it, and then rewriting it in your OWN words – You would simply break that article down into sentences, and then rewrite each sentence in your OWN words, one sentence at a time.
A 500 word article might contain just 22-25 sentences. You’d be suprised how fast you can rewrite 22-25 sentences.
Here is an example of rewriting a sentence…
Original: Andy used to enjoy his job at the local DIY store, but after a number of years decided he wanted more from his life, so he left to explore new avenues.
Rewrite: Previously, Andy worked at his local “Do it Yourself” store which used to give him a sense of fulfillment. However, after some time had passed it became mundane and he decided to leave and delve into a new venture.
As you can see, both the original and rewrite have the same meaning / context – But just worded differently, creating 100% unique content in the eyes of Google and the other search engines.
Reading a sentence and writing it out again, but in your OWN words – and then rinsing and repeating that simple process with the next sentence, is much easier than reading an entire article and then writing it ALL out again, in your OWN words.
Conclusion: It’s relatively simple, creates 100% unique content for Google, takes between 10-30 minutes to rewrite an article.
#3: Creating articles using existing sentences and snippets from around the web
This is quick and easy (using my software that is specifically designed for this method), and the results can be quite good.
When you use this method of article creation it is always best to create flow by joining some of the sentences together, and of course write a brief intro and outro for your articles. This makes them more unique, and Google pays particular attention to the opening paragraph when crawling your content.
Here’s the advantages of using this method.
- You don’t have to do much writing. You simply drag and drop ‘factual’ sentences and snippets into an article editor, and make a few simple edits.
- These articles CAN and DO get indexed in Google, and can even rank and bring in real traffic to your sites.
- It’s quick and easy. You can create a 500+ word article in just 2-10 minutes.
Here’s the disadvantage.
It’s not suitable for ALL types of articles. It’s very good for factual articles about a specific topic.
Here’s an example of what I mean…
It’s not good for writing an article on “The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin, and the Projections for 2020”.
It is good for writing an article on “Tips on How to Stop Your Dog from Barking”.
This method isn’t the best for story telling, or creating an article on a very specific, in-depth topic, with a consistent tone.
But for articles on general / broader topics – then it is great for that
If you’d like to see how you can create articles within minutes using this
method, then feel free to watch my video demonstration HERE.
Conclusion: Quick and Easy, little writing or editing, can get indexed, can rank in Google.
#4: Article Spinning
Yes, I know article spinning has been around since prehistoric times but it still works.
Again, there is spinning with ZERO input (and using a good spinning software such as SpinRewriter this can produce pretty good results).
And then there is “spinning and then taking just a few minutes to read through the article and make any minor edits to improve it”. Remember, spinning is done by a “machine” so it won’t be 100% perfect all the time, if that is what you want.
If you don’t know what spinning is, it is where a software tool takes an original piece of content and then switched certain words and replaces them with synonyms. Words that have the same meaning. Spinning can also re-structure phrases or part phrases which can change the contextual structure of an article.
Content spinning is purely carried out to take an existing piece of content that has already been indexed / ranked in Google – And create a NEW version of it that Google thinks is unique, so that it gets indexed and ranked (but maybe for new keywords!).
Conclusion: Fast, zero to little work, may need editing and improving depending on the purpose of the article.
#5: Pure content curation
When people talk about content curation there are TWO types. There is pure content curation where you take a piece of content or news story, and then take parts of that and write your own editorial around it. Or, simply curate the story by adding your own thoughts and views on it.
In fact, here are TWO good descriptions of PURE Content Curation…
News curation is the art of finding, distilling, adding value, preserving and sharing the most relevant stories on a specific topic or issue for a specific audience.
Content curation is the process of finding and collecting online content and presenting the best pieces in a structured way.
So, there you have it – Content curation in its purest form.
However, in the internet marketing industry content curation can be even simpler, more automated, and can still bring great results.
If you want to create and build up a niche site, on a particular topic but don’t want to spend time writing your own content, or even editing content – then you can use this simpler method of “content curation”.
You simply take a trending news story related to YOUR niche or topic. Spin the article through a spinning software such as SpinRewriter (so that it makes it unique in the eyes of Google) – And then you publish that on your site using a new, unique POST TITLE… and cite the URL or source of the original news story (to keep it ethical).
This is a good way to build up a site full of unique content that you can then monetize using different monetization methods (ads, banners etc).
A Plugin Can Do this For You BUT The Offer Ends TONIGHT!
A new plugin was released last week called WP News Ranker that will curate trending news stories for your chosen topic, and publish them on your site. Creating rankings and traffic for you.
It’s a great way to build sites that you can monetize or even SELL, with very little work or input.
The offer ends today at midnight (Tuesday 17th at midnight EST).
You can get this news curation plugin HERE.
It even has a built-in spinner so you pay once for the plugin, and you aren’t required to pay anything else for any other 3rd-party services or spinners.
Conclusion: No research required, can be as easy or hard as you like, can be as quick or slow as you like – depending on which type of curation you want do carry out.
So there you have it! 5 different ways to create articles for your sites.
I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below.
To your success!
Andy Black