Thanks for dropping by this post – and if you have, it’s likely that you’re an existing user of my Web Prospectr software.
I have a great new feature idea that I’ve been mulling over and want your feedback on whether this would be valuable to you… whether it would be worth adding… and of course, any feedback, ideas you have for it.
So, what is the idea?
The ability to send personalized emails to potential prospects from directly within the software.
As you know, Web Prospectr will retrieve up to thousands of businesses per “run” based on your chosen industry and location.
The software will then crawl and anazlyse each of the businesses websites (IF they have one!).
It will identify if they need SEO, if they have video on their homepage, if their website is mobile-responsive, if their website loads slowly, and more.
It will also try to find their email address by identifying a “contact us” type page and scanning for an email address.
What if the software could then use the data it has found for EACH of the businesses that return an email address – And create a well written “personalized” email identifying their website issues, and pitching YOUR services.
Users who have the PLUS upgrade can also identify if they do have or do not have a GMB listing, Facebook Page, and other social profiles. So, the emails could also include those – Depending on what the software finds.
So, the subject would be personalized and include the company name. The email body would include different sentences / paragraphs depending on what they are LACKING (ie – No Google My Business listing, have a slow loading website, have a non-mobile responsive website etc).
I’ve been digging into email LAWS and as these emails are publicly available on their websites… and if they are generic emails (not personal .. ie: steve@ ) it seems like you’re allowed to email them.
And even MASS email them.
It’s no different than going to their website, locating their email on their contact page and reaching out to them, highlighting some issues you have found, and offering your services to help resolve these “damaging” issues.
B2B…. Business to Business.
I’m going to take a closer look at this, and in particular with Canada as I know they have more stringent laws recently.
So, here’s what I need from you….
I need you to drop me a comment below and give me your thoughts on…
- Whether you would find this useful, or not? To be able to send cold emails automatically.. or quickly (I might include TWO options).
- Any other ideas of HOW you’d like this to work, other than what I have outlined above.
- Any concerns you have, or questions.
Here’s the thing – If I don’t get feedback on this, and if there seems to be very little interest then there is no point in me spending time adding this feature in.. as it could be a lot of work.
So, your feedback is essential if I decide to go ahead and try and implement this.
Over the last couple of days I opened up a special backdoor deal for you (Web Prospectr users only) to get access to my web-based video ranking software vRankerPro.
It’s normally $67 but I created a coupon for you to get an account for just $27, which is a huge saving.
It ends tonight and the coupon will expire, so if you haven’t taken a look at this “Local SEO” software yet, then please go and take a look today before it ends.
You Can Access My Backdoor Offer HERE
I look forward to your feedback in the comments, and I’ll respond to any questions 🙂
To your success!
Andy Black