9 Ways to Become Financially Free and Protect Yourself from Debt

Over the last year or so I have been reflecting on my life and ways in which I can improve it.

One particular area is FINANCES.

Yes… Money!

Although money isn’t the most important thing in life it can impact us in many ways. Both positively, and negatively.

Money can be liberating, and can set us free. It can also weigh us down and if we’re not careful, bury us.

It’s no secret – Getting your finances in order is important. However, many people get dazzled by lifestyle and ‘stuff’ and before they know it, their financial situation is out of control.

Here’s the thing – I’ve made some really bad choices when it comes to money.

Choices that have cost me a lot of money and have caused me many sleepless nights over my lifetime.

If you can relate to this then the purpose of this post isn’t to rub salt in the wounds, but rather provide you with some ‘rules’ that can change your financial situation and steer you on the right path.

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts and interviews recently. All of which are from successful people.

People who have made the RIGHT choices and avoided the common pitfalls that many of us fall into – and have become millionaires as a result.

I’ve taken down notes from all of these podcasts and interviews and have collated I’ve taken down notes from all of these podcasts and interviews and have collated 9 common ‘mantras’ (rules) that these successful millionaires have shared.

Rules that they applied to stay debt free, build wealth and live a less stressful lifestyle.

Here they are – So take notes!

#1: Live Below Your Means

Although this is an obvious one I wanted to include it because it’s one of the most common pitfalls that leads to debt.

This rule is simple: Spend less than you earn.

The majority of people need instant gratification. They buy ‘stuff’ on a whim without really asking themselves if they can afford it or not.

Credit card purchases can snowball, and trust me, if you have to purchase an item using a credit card because you don’t have the money – You’re unlikely to have the money later to pay off the credit card.

It’s a viscous circle – Don’t do it.

Live within your means, because living above that will eventually bury you financially.

#2: Don’t Try to Keep Up With the Jones’s

I’m assuming you’ve heard this term before. It means stop taking note of what other people have around you, and then trying to outdo them.

Buying things you don’t want, to impress people you don’t even like, is a sure way to get yourself into debt.

What others have is of no concern to you. Stay in your own lane and focus on yourself.

#3: Make Sure You’re On the Same Page With Your Partner or Spouse

If you have a partner or spouse then it’s important that you’re on the same page when it comes to goals and finances.

There’s no point in one of you being careful with money, or saving – If the other is being frivolous with money.

You need to be on the path. The same journey – together.

If you’re not then you’ll see the push / pull affect. Not only will this prevent you from achieving your financial goals, it will also cause severe problems in your relationship or marriage.

So, sit down and talk – and get on the same page!

#4: Don’t Change Your Standard of Living When You Get a Raise

When people get a raise with their salary, or their income increases, the first thing that they tend to do is increase their standard of living.

They spend more. They buy more stuff. Buy a bigger house. Buy a better car. Buy expensive clothes. Eat out more. Etc.

People who are successful and have reached a high level of wealth usually do the opposite. They retain their standard of living and make smarter decisions with the extra income. This leads us perfectly onto rule #5.

#5: Save or Invest Money Frequently

Saving or investing money is what builds wealth. You should invest frequently, no matter how small.

Saving and investing money has the same mechanics as accumulating debt, but in a different order.

Debts can snowball easily – But so can saving and investing.

By putting money aside each and every month, no matter how small – It will soon grow.

Remember: Consistency is key here!

#6: Think Carefully Before Any Significant Purchases

A big mistake that many people make is buying something that they didn’t really need, and often with hindsight, didn’t even want.

Instant gratification can feel good – in the short term.

But delayed gratification will help prevent you from making hasty buying decisions. Decisions that you may regret shortly after.

Take a day or two before buying anything sizeable and ask yourself whether you REALLY need or want it.

#7: Keep Yourself Free from the Love of Money

That’s right! Keep yourself free from the love of money and be satisfied with what you have.

When you are grateful for everything you already have in your life, you’ll stop chasing the things you don’t.

The truth is, if you’re always chasing ‘more’ you’ll never be satisfied with what you have.

It can become very costly too! Do you really want to live your life that way?

#8: Don’t Buy Brand New Cars or Have Hefty Car Payments

In a normal household, cars are usually the 2nd largest purchase you’ll make (after a house or property).

The truth is that car repayments can often be more than a mortgage repayment, and often with a higher interest rate too.

One of the secrets of obtaining wealth is to NOT buy a new car until you have reached financial independence.

Those that have achieved financial freedom state that if you can’t afford to buy a new car outright, you CAN’T afford the car.

Until you reach that point – stay within your means and buy a cheaper, used car that will have less of an impact on your finances – and that will depreciate at a slower rate.

#9: Create a Budget

This should be the first step you make when deciding to get out of debt and build wealth.

Without a monthly budget you’re essentially stumbling around in the dark.

Every dollar / pound that you earn should be accounted for. Create a list of categories that relate to your outgoings and set STRICT amounts for each one.

Stick to those amounts and then any remaining money that is left over can be paid off debts, paid off your mortgage, or invested.

A budget allows you to spend your money, but in a controlled way.

It’s also required if you want to achieve financial freedom.

Remember – Pay no attention to those around you who flaunt big houses, flashy cars, expensive clothes and luxury holidays.

The majority of the time it’s simply ‘smoke and mirrors’.

You see, debt can look good – But most of the time these people are broke and living from paycheck to paycheck, trying to keep up with payments whilst trying to keep up appearances.

So, don’t be like the Jones’s – Play the long game. The smart game, and financial freedom will be within your reach.

To your success

Andy Black

Are You a Student of Life?

As a 46 year old, it’s only been the last few years that I have really taken stock of my life and realised what is important, and what isn’t.

If I’m facing any kind of struggle or dilema I ask myself these questions.

‘Does this really matter?’

‘Will this matter in a year or two from now?’

‘Will this matter when I’m on my death bed?’ (Hopefully many years from now).

Usually, the answer is ‘No’.

  • – We get consumed by so many things in life.
  • – We argue with those we care about.
  • – We get embroiled in drama.
  • – We spend far too much time worrying about things and being anxious.
  • – We stretch ourselves too far financially, buying flashy things to impress other people we do not even care about.

The list goes on.

Over the last year I have directed my energy into aspects of my life that will ‘enhance my life’ and make me a better person.

For me, it’s all about personal growth. We never stop learning, and nor should we.

Instead of worrying about the things I don’t have, I’m grateful for the things I do have.

My family, good friends, my health – and the health of those I care about. The sun on my face, fresh air, and long walks with my dog.

Every day is a blessing. It truley is.

It’s not all about having the latest gadgets, cars or a flashy life-style.

When you start to live a life of gratitude, and are thankful for all the good things you do have in your life, it’ll make you a much more fulfilled, happier person.

Having goals is one thing – But forever chasing ‘stuff’ will distract you from what’s right in front of you, right here, right now.

Never Stop Learning From Others

I love learning about mindset, happiness, relationships, gratitude, forgiveness, business, and life in general.

Two Podcasts I have been listening to lately are ‘School of Greatness’ and ‘Super Soul’.

They include many interviews with some exceptional, inspirational people. I recommend you have a listen to those.

Question: Do you listen to Podcasts? If so, which ones do you listen to?

Feel free to drop a comment below and share your favourite Podcasts, and why.

That’s all for today.

Wishing you health, happiness and success.

Andy Black

5 Things that Will Help You to Succeed in 2022

First of all – Happy New Year!

Although the world around us is uncertain at the best of times, we essentially define our own future and outcome.

What we put in, we get out – When we apply the right mindset and attitude.

So to help you start your new year with a bang I wanted to share 5 mindset practices that you can apply to make 2022 a successful year for you.

Have Goals

The first one is to have goals. Goals give us direction in life and without them we would merely be stagnating, procrastinating and spending too much time on the wrong things.

Goals lead us to a sense of achievement and it’s important for us to get excited about our goals. When we get excited about the prospect of reaching our goals, we enjoy the journey more.

When we enjoy the journey, we’re ‘doing what we love’. So find passion in what you do and work towards your goals.

Believe in Yourself

Believing in yourself is important. We live in a world where others pull apart your dreams because they have none of their own.

It’s easy to be influenced by the opinions of others, and often it is by those closest to us. If every successful person listened to the opinions of others, they wouldn’t be where they are now.

Set your goals, get passionate about them, grow a thick skin and consistently push forward. It’s okay to make mistakes – It’s normal. But don’t let people sat on the sidelines pull you down to their ‘comfort zone’.

Stay Motivated

I recently wrote a blog post about motivation. We all need ‘Motivation’ to start something, but it’s not enough to ‘finish’ it.

It’s good practice to stay as motivated as you possibly can, even though you’ll have days that you won’t feel motivated at all – and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

A good way to keep motivated is to keep reminding yourself of your goals and track your progress. Add in small rewards when you reach certain markers, or complete a set of ‘micro tasks’.

Rewarding yourself is good as it adds a sense of gamification to your work. This could be a new watch if you hit your monthly target, a night away with your significant other, or even a nice takeaway. It will encourage you to work towards your goals.

Be Disciplined

Motivation helps you to start something and DISCIPLINE helps you to finish it.

Discipline is vital if you want to succeed at anything. If you have no discipline you won’t make progress.

Discipline is doing something no matter what, even if you don’t feel like doing it. When you master this mindset, you’ll be unstoppable.

The best way to keep disciplined is to break down larger tasks into smaller tasks, and only commit to the next smaller task.

Large tasks can overwhelm us and they can be mentally tiring just thinking about them – Whilst small, simple tasks don’t carry the same burden.

Make a list of micro-tasks and commit to them one at a time. When we complete one, we’re more than likely to move onto the next one with ease.

Be Willing to Adjust and Adapt

This is one of the most important practices to apply in your life.

None of us are perfect and when we’re building a business or working towards a goal – we get things wrong.

It’s normal. However, if we keep doing the same thing when things aren’t working out, we’ll never get it right.

We’re essentially swimming upstream and getting nowhere.

That’s why it is vital to down tools and evaluate what could be going wrong, and look at ways to change it.

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb back in 1879 and it took him over 1,000 unsuccessful attempts before he succeeded.

It’s also noted that his teachers famously said that he was “too stupid to learn anything”.

Well, it was a good job he didn’t let others diminish the belief he had in himself, and was willing to adjust and adapt with his quest to invent the lightbulb.

Remember, we all learn on the job. If we were meant to get it right first time, everyone would be a millionaire and highly successful.

The truth is, we will fail more times than we succeed – But that is what creates our journey. Pretty exciting, right?

Final Thoughts

The world is your oyster and you steer your own boat in life.

Those that have reached a high level of success have often battled through high levels of adversity to get there.

You can do the same!

Carve out your plan – Set your goals – Get excited – But most importantly, enjoy the journey.

Here’s to a successful, happy and prosperous 2022.

Andy Black

How to Increase Your Chances of Closing a Sale With a Prospect

Closing a sale is not only the most important part of the sales process, it is also the hardest part.

Getting your prospect to agree the ‘sale’ after pitching your product or service to them.

Although there are many techniques for closing sales there is one in-particular that I have found works extremely well.

It’s not always practical to use this strategy, but in many cases – it is.

So, What is this Strategy?

It’s quite simple really – and that is to show your prospect the end result first.

If you’re selling leads, then send them some leads for FREE.

Once they experience the benefits and the value that those free leads bring them, they won’t want to stop receiving them.

You’re no longer pitching them an idea. You’re not promising them anything – You’re SHOWING them upfront. You’re removing a barrier.

This makes it incredibly easy to negotiate a deal / price with them for you to continue sending those leads.

The same ‘closing’ technique can be applied using personalization.

Let me tell you a little story.

Years ago I used to own a promotional gifts company that provided small / medium businesses as well as corporate companies with printed, engraved and personalized products.

These were give-away items such as pens, mugs, umbrellas, and key fobs.

However, there was one particular sales technique that consistently resulted in receiving an order from our clients and prospects.

If a company reached out to us and wanted to see a sample of a pen or mug, we would take their company logo and send them a sample that had their logo printed or engraved on the item – Rather than a blank item.

(Businesses like to see samples to see the quality of the item – But these usually have generic, sample logos on, or are blank)

When they received that item and saw their logo on it, it created a visual representation of their brand, and they could experience what THEIR OWN PROSECTS would see when receiving the item themselves.

For a small business owner, it’s a proud moment seeing their logo and brand ‘printed’ onto promotional goods.

This resulted in an order from them more often than not.

The Perfect Product to Apply this Strategy

The perfect product for this ‘sales closing’ strategy is website design.

There are many businesses out there that either don’t have a website, or that have an old, outdated website.

Imagine sending them a link to a site that was already built and branded for them.

A website that had their logo, colour scheme, contact details, about us information, products / services and content.

They’d be impressed, right?

Do you think they want to keep their old ‘shabby’ website that is probably doing them more harm than good?

Or do you think they’d want to keep that fast loading, new, slick website that you just sent them – that brings them into 2022 with a bang? (Give or take a few edits and changes).

Well, with regards to ‘building websites’ – They can be quick to setup and build, when using the right tools.

What if you could create an entire ‘slick’, fully functioning website for a business within minutes.

Then maybe 5-10 minutes to add their content to that site to make it complete?

Want the Solution to Do this in 2022?

This coming Tuesday 21st December I’m going to be sending you some information on a very cool software platform that allows you to build and create a website for ANY business within minutes.

It’s the ultimate website builder and it does all the heavy lifting for you, using A.I. technologies.

It’s perfect for local marketing agencies or anyone who wants to start an online / web design agency in 2022.

Keep an eye out for my email on Tuesday 21st – It’s an amazing tool!

To your success

Andy Black

Why Motivation Alone isn’t Enough to Succeed

It’s true! For many of us, motivation is ‘key’ to take action and do something. Whether it is work related, fitness related, or something else – when we are motivated, we ‘get stuff done’.

However, motivation alone isn’t enough to succeed and reach our goals.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this and have come to this conclusion.

Motivation is a ‘state of mind’ that is needed for us to start something. To pluck up enough will power to take action and ‘move forward’ with something.

However, motivation fluctuates and isn’t sustainable. Motivation works in much the same way as our moods. Some days we can feel happy, whilst other days we can feel sad. Motivation is a phase. It’s a peak that we reach when we are excited about something. But it never lasts.

Have you ever wondered why so many people join a gym at the start of the New Year and then quit before they reach the end of January?

It’s because they saw the New Year as an exciting, fresh start, and pictured themselves looking slimmer, sexier, and more athletic – ready for the summer ahead.

The ‘vision’ that they focused on gave them enough excitement and motivation to ‘start’. But not ‘finish’.

So, what is lacking? What do you need to finish something you have started? Or stick at something for longer than a few days or weeks?

The answer is – Discipline.

Unfortunately, discipline isn’t as easy to master as motivation.

It’s easy to get motivated and excited about something – but much harder to develop a discipline ‘mindset.

So what is discipline?

Discipline is doing something even when we don’t feel like doing it. It’s about doing a specific task no matter what. Making it a rule – a non-negotiable.

When you have a discipline mindset it becomes a habit. Habits are formed through repetition. The more we do something ‘repetitively’ the stronger, and easier that habit becomes. That’s discipline!

How to create a discipline mindset?

The best way to start forming healthy habits and creating a discipline mindset is to break your overall task down into smaller commitments.

These are micro-commitments that lead us towards completion of our task.

Let me use ‘going to the gym’ as an example – Although this concept can be used for anything.

For many people – taking a day off from the gym is easy to do. It might be raining. They have to ‘get changed into their gym gear’. They may have to drive to the gym. It’s not always doing the ‘task’ itself that leads people to failure – It’s often the steps that are required to get them there.

(And they’ll find any excuse NOT to do it, to justify themselves)

In this instance what you need to do is not think about the entire task, but simply the first step – Getting ready.

After getting ready – the next step might be to get there. Just focus on that. Don’t even think about your gym session at this stage. Just focus on getting there.

Once you’re there, focus on the first exercise. Don’t think about the HOUR that you have committed to this session – Just focus on that first exercise.

Once you have finished that, commit to the next exercise.

Do you see the pattern here? It’s about focusing on one small aspect of the overall task, at a time.

When we focus on an entire task it can drain our will power. If we’re not feeling motivated on that day, the prospect of getting to the gym and hammering out a full gym session can seem tiring and overwhelming. Hence why it’s easier to ‘just not go’.

And remember – When we skip once, it’s twice as easy for us to skip the next time. Hence why so many people quite when they don’t have a discipline mindset.

This technique can be used for all areas of your life. Fitness, business, for tackling large projects – anything.

The key to success really is a combination of motivation and discipline – and rarely will you succeed in life without them.

Stay motivated… Stay disciplined!

To your success!

Andy Black

Why We Should Be Moving to a 4 Day Work Week

Did you know that in the 1930’s, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that ‘eventually’ people would be working a 15 hour week.

His analysis shown huge leaps in technology, production and automation.

However, his prediction was wrong – and in modern times the average person works 5 days per week, equating to 37-40 hours of their life, each week, engrossed in work.

Do you know why? Consumerism.

After the 1930’s technology advanced and cars, computers, TV’s and electrical gadgets were in reach of the average person – almost.

People wanted stuff and ‘keeping up with the Jones’ became a thing. People wanted the house, the car, the electrical goods – and that all came at a price!

But here’s the thing – Humans aren’t biologically built to work long hours. In fact, humans are generally productive for around 2.5 hours per day – with regards to work.

Meaning that the rest of the time we are less productive – yet glued to our desks, work stations or place of work.

Over recent years there has been a movement. Groups of people who are campaigning for a 4 day work week – Giving people more time with their friends and family, and more time to live their lives.

After all – That’s the whole point of living, right?

So, what’s the thought process behind the 4-day work week?

Studies have been carried out that proves we can work less hours, and still achieve the same level of work (or even more).

In fact, trials for the 4-day work week were carried out in Iceland with overwhelming success.

People in Iceland had their work days reduced down to 4 days per week whilst getting paid the same, but for shorter hours.

Productivity remained the same for the majority of workplaces, and in some cases it even increased.

The reason for this is because working less results in less stress. Freeing up that extra day to spend as you like increases happiness, productivity and focus.

People found that due to the extra time off work, they were able to effectively compress their workload into a 4 day week.

Their work didn’t suffer, and their life was improved. Sounds like a win / win situation, right?

Over the last month or two I have been researching this, as this is something that I want to move to myself. In fact, my goal eventually is to move to a 3-day work week. Work Monday to Wednesday (and be extremely focused) and free up Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to do as I please.

Hike, explore, and live my life whilst I’m able to.

My business is VERY flexible as it is, and if I want to take time off, I do it. However, it would be good to make this a way of life, rather than a ‘spur of the moment’ whim.

Would you like to work less and LIVE more? Do you think you can find a way to do it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this so feel free to post a comment below.

Remember, you’re in charge of your own life, and if you want to make changes in your life, you have the power and will to do so.

It’s simple – Formulate a plan and then execute it.

We have one shot at this thing called life and it’s your responsibility to create the life you want. I know I am.

To your success

Andy Black

When You Re-evaluate What’s Important in Your Life

Well, it’s been a long time since I have posted on my blog – but that’s about to change.

As we’re nearing the end of a difficult period (globally), there’s been a lot of lessons learned.

Probably more realisations than lessons, but this pandemic has certainly changed the way I think about life, in a good way.

Here’s why.

Since a fairly young age I used to have big dreams. I was never sure how I would reach those dreams but it was surely fun to focus on them – and hope that one day I would be living them.

Dreams of a big house with a pool. Sports cars. Designer clothes. Exotic holidays. Everything that ‘many’ people strive for, or want.

Well, that is what I thought I used to want – and for many of those things – I achieved it.

However, even though my dreams were always big, my core focus was always on creating more freedom and flexibility in my life.

Since March 2020 when the first lockdown happened I started to change my perspective on life. My thought processes changed, and as everything that I ‘sometimes took for granted’ was taken away from me, I started to appreciate the simple things in life.

The free things – Such as long walks with my dog. Fresh air on a lovely Spring morning.

Travel was off the agenda. The pubs and bars were closed. Restaurants were shut, and the social amenities that were once accessible on a whim, were closed for business.

The usual things I could spend or squander my money on were no longer in arms reach.

As the reality kicked in I started to realise one thing. I didn’t NEED many of these things in my life. I mean, they were nice additions – sometimes. But I didn’t need them.

That got me thinking about how much money I could have saved if I weren’t so frivolous – and how that money could have been put to better use.

More importantly – It got me thinking how much time I could free up if I didn’t burden myself, or my life, with expensive – unnecessary hobbies, habits and past times.

As I started to enjoy the simpler things in life and valuing my natural surroundings more, it made me want to make real changes in my life and how I live it.

One of the things I now love doing is going hiking in the local hills, moors and countryside. Except for a little fuel money – It costs me nothing. Yet the rewards and benefits are immeasurable.

(Above are just a few photos of these fun outings!)

I now also value my friends and family more too. I always did value them, but I’m talking about a ‘higher level’ of appreciation. Really appreciating the moments I get to spend with them.

I always say – You don’t need many friends. You just need good ones.

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about removing ‘stress’ from my life, and even downsizing.

Cutting out the clutter from my life, getting rid or giving away stuff I don’t need – and just living a simpler life.

I’m not talking about extreme minimalism. Just streamlining my belongings and removing things that will hinder my life moving forward. Generally speaking – Consumerism.

Many people work towards retirement. It takes them years because of the financial commitments they make and the lifestyles they lead. Keeping up with the Jones costs money!

For me – It’s about creating the kind of life you don’t need to retire from. That’s now paramount to me.

I want to live my life now, enjoy my life now, and for it to be on my own terms – Rather than grinding for years, hoping that I’ll reach the age that I’ll finally retire. An age where physical illness is more likely to rear it’s ugly head.

Keep an eye out for my next blog post which is going to be about ‘working a 3 or 4 day work week’, and WHY people should work towards that.

I‘d Love to Hear Your Thoughts and Feedback Regarding this Post

Has the pandemic changed the way you live your life? Has it shifted your mindset in anyway?

I’d love to hear your thoughts – So please do drop a comment below this post.

To your success

Andy Black

Your Questions, Answered

Hey there! Ok, so just recently I sent out an email to my subscribers asking them if they had any questions they’d like me to answer.

Related to starting an online business, or any aspect to do with “online marketing”.

I’ve been involved with internet marketing, product creation, eCommerce and affiliate marketing for many, MANY years now so wanted to give back some value in the form of ‘advice’ or guidance.

Which you can take or leave. After all, it is just my opinion and point of view… but given from experience.

I had a number of responses so thought I’d take some of those questions and answer them in a blog post, seeing as though I haven’t posted on this blog in such a long time.

Maybe some of these questions and answers will resonate with you, maybe they don’t – But hopefully this blog post will help some of you in some way.

Let’s Get to it!

I have been trying to work out this online marketing thing for over a year now but struggle to find the time. I have two young children and a full time job which I can’t afford to leave. It’s quite a demanding job and that coupled with my home life leaves me very little time left over to succeed with an online business. What do you suggest?

(Asked by Jay)

That’s a good question Jay and one that I believe many people will be able to relate to.

I myself used to be in that very same position many years ago. I also had two ‘young’ children and worked within a family business that I lacked passion for.

Juggling a job and family life can soak up a lot of time. Here’s what I did.

I set specific’ family time’ when I got in from my job. Whether that was take my children to the local play park, or spend time with them in the garden.

I made sure that time was quality time – they got my full attention.

When my children went to bed that’s when I got my laptop out and worked on my online business. My side-hustle. My goal.

Yes I got tired at times but it was worth it. Choosing between an extra couple of hours sleep each night, or moving closer towards my dreams and ambitions was an easy decision for me.

When I went through this transitional period it was WELL before the era of Netflix and other video streaming platforms… but my suggestion would be to look at what things you can sacrifice in your life, even if it’s just temporarily.

Do you binge watch Netflix on a Sunday? Do you go out for a pint with friends once or twice a week? (Just to give you some examples).

We all have the same number of hours in a day… it’s how we spend those hours and if we are truly honest with ourselves, we could all find an odd hour or two to work on a side business if we really wanted to.

I’ll tell you something funny that I noticed fairly recently.

I have a number of friends who over the years have always said to me, “Hey Andy, I wish I could do what you do… I just don’t have ANY time at all to learn or do that”.

Or, “My job prevents me from learning a new skill because I’m working all the time”.

THESE SAME FRIENDS were posting on Facebook asking for “TV Series” recommendations to binge watch on Netflix whilst they were furloughed and off work “bored” during the Covid-19 lockdown.

They had the PERFECT opportunity to spend time to learn a skill, learn to build blogs, learn SEO, coding.. whatever.

But they chose not to.

Most people want the dream, they just don’t want to do the work to reach that dream.

I’m not suggesting that’s you… I’m just saying if you dig deep enough and evaluate your “schedule” or routine, you’ll likely find some time each week to either learn skills, or work on an online business.

Sometimes you just have to make some sacrifices to do that. Most people make excuses WHY they can’t do something, because it’s easier to do that than actually “doing something”.

Look at what time you have available… mornings, evenings, weekends. Look at what things you can sacrifice to free up a little more time.

If you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way.

In a nutshell, in 2020 what is the best way to rank a niche website?

(Asked by Paula C)

To answer this as quickly as possible… Make sure your website is content rich, topically thorough and well structured / formatted.

Create “branded” social accounts for your website on the major social platforms (Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram etc).

Spend some time getting some relevant followers for each platform.

Every time you publish new content on your website, push that content out across your social sites. (ie – The first few sentences of your post with a direct link back to that post). Or, an image or meme with a link back to your post.

Be sure to have Google Analytics installed on your website.

After some time Google will pick up the social presence and direct traffic from those social links… and send you more visitors via their search results.

Andy, what is the absolute BEST backlink that you can get?

(Asked by Danny)

One that brings visitors to your website. The more visitors it attracts, the more valuable the backlink – For both traffic and SEO.

What’s the key difference between paying for an ad on Facebook vs paying to be included within Googles search results?

(Asked by Tom)

With Facebook they try and match your advert to the people who are most likely to be “interested” in what you have to offer. It’s more a numbers game, and if they show your advert to enough people, some of those will be interested enough to click through and see what you’re offering.

With Google you can bid on specific keywords, so when you appear in their search results, people have actually searched for what you’re offering. It’s a much better matching system and is far more targeted… but it can be pricey!

Would You Like to See More?

I don’t want to make these posts TOO long for you so i’ll leave it there for now.

If you’d like to see more of this, then drop a comment below and let me know.

Or, if you have a question – Send me an email and I’ll do my best to answer it shortly.

Keep an Eye Out for My Email Tomorrow

There’s a worthy SEO software offer being launched tomorrow by Joshua Zamora and his team called SyndTrio. It’s a fully automated syndication system that will syndicate your videos and backlinks across lots of social platforms.

It creates the accounts for you, creates content for you, and then posts across these social accounts for you.

His previous version of this software has around 9,000 users and he has lots of good testimonials and case studies from many of those users.

So, this is what it will do for you:

  • Automated Account Creation (with NO proxies or captcha costs needed)
  • Automated Content Generation for ANY niche
  • Automated Social Syndication to 25+ Authority Sites

It’s one to look out for and I’m in the process of putting together a BONUS for you… So keep your eyes peeled for that tomorrow.

To your success!

Andy Black

Andy Black

Things Turning Bad? Fed Up? Zero Motivation? This Might Help

I’ve been having a bit of a hard time recently that has prompted me to write this short post.

I wanted to share with you the 6 things that I think about when I hit these periodic lulls, and let’s face it. We all hit lulls at one time or another.

These 6 things help me to bring my life, work and everything else into balance – So here goes…

#1: Put things into Perspective

Your problems affect YOU and other people don’t or won’t always understand what you’re going through. However, it’s always good to remind yourself that there are ALWAYS people who are much worse off than you right now. People who are going through real trauma and tough times.

When you think about that, it makes your problems seem less significant, and it helps remind you how lucky you are compared to others.

#2: Accept that Life Isn’t Always Going to be Easy

Just like happy and successful times come along, bad and unhappy times can come along also. It’s life, and we have to deal with it. Times can be testing, difficult and upsetting but when you truly accept that this is part of your experience you can often turn those times into a positive. You can learn from them and develop / improve as a person.

Remember, it’s only during hard times you’ll really discover who you are and what you’re made of.

#3: Nothing Lasts Forever

It’s easy to hit a lull or fall upon bad times and forget that it’s only temporary.

You get caught up in your situation and your feelings start to snowball. You become disheartened, lose your motivation, become irritable, and maybe even want to give up.

But the truth is bad times do come to an end. Nothing lasts forever and bad cycles will pass – Brighter, more successful days lay ahead.

#4: What Seems Big Now Will Be Insignificant in the Future

That’s right! That relationship that is recently over and burning a whole in your heart will mean nothing in 10 years from now.

That debt that is hanging around your head likely won’t exist in 5 or 10 years from now.

That job that you didn’t get – Pfftt! A better one will come along.

The fact of the matter is, little things can stress us all out. But ask yourself this – In 5,10, or even 20 years from now will you even remember it? Will it have impacted your life in any shape or form.

The answer is, “probably NOT!”.

#5: You’ve Survived Your Worse Days So Far

You need to remember that up to the present day, you have survived your worse days and are still here.

You probably won’t even realize how many bad times you have survived already in your life – It will be a lot.

Give yourself some credit and realize that you have survived every hard / bad / sad time so far in your life and you’re still here moving forward.

Heart aches, failures, break ups, grievances. You’ve beat them all and you can do it again.

#6: Tomorrow is a New Day

There’s a reason the sun rises on a morning, and the clocks reset at the start of a new day.

It’s because it’s a new day and an opportunity to get out of bed on the right foot and start a fresh.

Yesterday was a bad day for me. Everything that could have gone wrong did. But I took 10 minutes out of my day, sat down with a coffee and thought about the things that I have outlined in this post and it helped me regain my emotions and focus.

Guess what – I woke up this morning feeling a lot better.

We all have good and bad days, but every single day is a chance to start a fresh with a strengthened mindset, new ambitions, and the willingness to move forward.

Let the above points embed themselves into your mind and every time things seem hard, re-iterate them.

You’ll be back on track before you know it.

If you can relate, or have any tips / thoughts of your own, I’d love to hear from you – drop a comment below!

To your success and future happiness

Andy Black

How to Improve Your Blogs Rankings, Clicks, Traffic and Income

Hey Andy here! Today we’re going to take a closer look at how you can transform the performance, rankings, clicks and traffic of your blogs and websites.

As a result, if your blogs and sites are monetized, then these tactics that I’ll be covering in this blog post will also increase the income that they will generate.

Ok, Let’s Get Started

These tactics are spawned from the data you already have access to (or, could have access to).

The data that I’m referring to is Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

These are both FREE tools / resources offered by Google, and if you haven’t set these up already then it’s straight forward to do so.

Here are the steps to follow…

  1. Create a Google Account at Google.com (or log in if you already have one).
  2. Go to Google Analytics HERE and add your “Properties” (websites).
  3. Go to Google Search Console HERE and add your “Properties” (websites). Click on the menu icon in the top left corner, then “Search Properties”, then “Add Property”.

After those steps you should be all set!

Google Analytics and Google Search Console need some time to collect data about your sites. The more time they have to collect this data, the better insights you’ll have, and the more you will be able to do to improve your sites rankings and traffic.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Each Platform to See How We Will Use them

Google Search Console

The Google Search Console will reveal the actual keywords that your site ranks for in Google. However, it reveals FOUR other pieces of data that can be very useful.

These pieces of data are…

  1. Total Clicks – The number of clicks a particular keyword has received in the Google Search Results for a specific time period.
  2. Total Impressions – The number of times that your listing (post or page) has appeared in the Google Search Results following a “search” by a real person.
  3. Average CTR – This is the average percentage that those people searching for your keyword (where your listing appears) actually click on your listing, to visit your post or page. The higher the better!
  4. Average Position – This is the average position where your listing appears in the Google Search Results when someone searches for a specific keyword.

Ok, so now we’re going to look at how we will use this data. To do this I will include a screenshot below showing an example.

* You can access an entire list of all keywords that you’re appearing for in the Google search results.

In the Google Search Console you’ll be able to access the entire list of keywords that your “site” is appearing for in the Google search results.

This list will be comprehensive and WAY beyond the amount of keywords that you were targeting… or thought you were targeting.

First of all you can look at which keywords are attracting clicks in the search results. The ones that are actually generating traffic for you.

In the example above you can see that the keyword “sleep paralysis in spanish” generated 47 clicks within a specific time frame. Those 47 clicks came from a whopping 4,520 impressions. That means that my post listing appeared in Google 4,520 times following a search for that specific keyword.

In the 3rd column you will see the average CTR which is the average click through rate. This shows just 1% of those people that searched that keyword (and SAW my listing in front of them), actually clicked on my listing.

1% isn’t very good.

In the 4th column you have the average ranking position. Numbers from 1 – 10 mean that your listing is ranked on page 1 of Google.

In the example above you can see that my listing ranks between 7th and 8th place. Although it’s on page 1 which is great, it’s not the best position for getting the most clicks and traffic.

Ok, So What Would I Do to Get Better Results from this Search Result?

Well, before I go into that we would need to find out TWO other factors that can affect that ranking. These are “Bounce Rate” and “Time on Page”.

We can get this data from Google Analytics, and below you will see the data for the example I provided.

Now we have all the data we need so that we can decide on the actions that we can take.

It’s likely that this particular keyword is being searched for so people can access the Google Translate Tool… But I’m only using this as an example of what you need to look for and how you can read the data.

PLEASE NOTE – This particular example is for an automated blog post that was initially created and published to “probe” Google. The quality of the blog post is poor BUT can be improved!

Using the above data we can see that only 1% of searchers are clicking through to my search listing, and there are TWO things that we can do that will get us more clicks, and improve our CTR (click through rate).

These are…

  1. To improve our post title and meta description so that it is more enticing to our audience. We need to let the “searcher” know that our post will provide them with the answer / solution they are looking for, and that it is relevant to their search query. This will result in MORE people clicking through to our listing, which will generate more traffic, and also help to increase our search engine ranking.
  2. To actually push our result higher up the search results. To do this we would need to look closer at our post / page and further improve the content, structure, and optimization. The better we can make our page for the visitor, the higher Google will rank it.
* This is the current listing as it appears. As you can see this could be massively improved to attract more clicks.

You can sort ALL of your ranked keywords in Google Search Console by “Impressions”. These are all of your keywords that are appearing the most in the Google search results.

Click on these keywords individually to see what their CTR (click through rate) is, and what position they are ranked.

Remember this…

The higher your keyword is ranked in the search results , the more clicks you will receive.

The more enticing and descriptive your title and meta description is, the more clicks you will receive.

The better your content is… ie – informative, provides answers, includes rich-media such as images, info graphics, videos, polls, user comments etc – the higher your content will rank.

The more optimized that your “good” content is, the higher it will rank.

Now we will look at the actual monthly search volume for this particular keyword.

That’s an average of 1,600 searches per month for this exact keyword.

To get an insight into whether our content is quality, relevant, and well received by our visitors we can look at the “Bounce Rate” and “Time on Page” data.

In the screenshot further up this post we can see that the average amount of time that a visitor stays on this particular page is 1 minute and 36 seconds. Although that isn’t terrible, it’s not great.

My own personal opinion, a good time on page would be 3 – 5+ minutes. That’s ample time for someone to land on your page and digest your content.

The more content you have on your page, the longer it’s possible to keep your visitor on the page!

A time on page of say 5 – 20 seconds is BAD.. and will certainly affect your rankings long-term.

The longer visitors stay on your page, the better your content is and the more relevant it is. At least that’s what it will signal to Google.

The “Bounce Rate” tell us the percentage of visitors that bounce back off that page, back to Google. A high bounce rate % tells Google that your post or page isn’t really answering their users question or requirements.

As a result of this, your Google ranking might start to drop.

A LOW Bounce Rate % will tell Google that they have found what they are looking for.

As a result, your Google ranking might increase further.

If you have a high Bounce Rate or Exit Rate then it’s a sign that you need to improve your content. Think to yourself what people are actually looking for when they search for the keyword.

What answers are they looking for? What are they seeking?

Create some content… an article, video, images that provides those answers / solutions and when visitors start landing on your page they will stay on it for longer.

This will reduce your Bounce Rate and help your revamped post or page to rank higher.

EVERYTHING you improve… whether it is your title, meta description, content… will all help to push your listing higher up the search results.

Another Tip

Once Google Search Console has been gathering data for your site long enough you can use that to do improve your listings, posts and pages as illustrated above.

However, you can EXPORT all of this data as a CSV file directly from Google Search Console.

This will allow you to “sort and filter” the data to find those keywords and posts that provide you with the best opportunity to get more traffic, clicks, and better rankings.

Those 4 columns of data can provide you with a wealth of knowledge when you know how to use it.

Even improving just 3-5 posts or pages using what I have outlined within this blog post can potentially add hundreds, or even thousands of new visitors to your blog each month.

I hope that you enjoyed this blog post and got something from it!

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop a comment below and I’ll answer what I can.

Alternatively, feel free to share your won tips and advice in the comments section below.

To your success

Andy Black